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Frequently Asked Questions
What is a "moyen" doodle?The word moyen means medium so a moyen doodle is a medium sized doodle. Definitions of medium vary slightly depending on who you ask, but we consider a moyen to be between 25-55 lbs.
What does F1 mean and how is it different from an F1B or F2 doodle?An F1 Goldendoodle is a “First Generation Goldendoodle.” One parent is a purebred Golden Retriever and the other a purebred Poodle. The F1 generation is a good choice for those who are particularly attached to the Golden Retriever as you are close to the roots and will definitely preserve some Golden Retriever traits in both personality and physical appearance. An F2 Goldendoodle denotes a second generation cross—an F1 Goldendoodle bred to an F1 Goldendoodle. Again, you see a 50/50 even split between the breeds — the resulting puppies will be 50% Golden Retriever, 50% Poodle. The F2 generation is actually the most unpredictable in regard to hair type and size. F2 puppies can shed if they inherit a golden retriever "shedding" gene from each golden retriever grandparent. For this reason we do not produce F2 doodles. An F1B is 75% poodle and 25% Golden Retriever. The "B" stands for backcross. These puppies typically have wavy to curly coats and reduced shedding. In our particular breeding program our F1b pups are usually smaller as they are bred with our moyen poodle and the smallest of our F1 girls. The F1b generation is a good choice for allergy sufferers or those who want less fur to clean up around the house. These dogs will have more poodle personality and looks. If you choose to purchase an F1b from a breeder just make sure the backcross is a poodle to ensure that you are getting a higher percentage of poodle.
How big will my puppy be full grown?As a mixed breed a doodles' size depends on a number of factors, such as: the size of the parents, the breeds or generation of doodle and whether or not their parents are multi-generational doodles. We weigh our pups weekly so that we can give you as accurate of an estimate as possible. We find that by 6-7 weeks old we can give you a fair estimate of their adult weight. Males will usually be larger while females are typically smaller. We hope to get future estimates down to a 15 lb. range with the help of families who are willing to share their dog's weight and height when full grown so that we can compare our estimates to their true size.
Can you guarantee that I will get the shade of dog I am looking for?The simple answer to this is unfortunately no. Our doodles will range from apricot to deep red and that we can guarantee, but the exact shade that they will be when full grown is a bit of a gamble thanks to genetics. We have done countless hours of research in regards to color genetics so if you'd like more information on this we'd be happy to share. That said there are some early indicators that we watch for that can give us an educated guess on what your pup will look like as an adult so don't be afraid to ask for help in the color picking process.
Will my dog shed?F1 doodles range between non-shedding and low shedding. Red golden retrievers are known to shed less than your average retriever which means that the chances of our doodle pups shedding is lower than your typical doodle. It has been said that curlier the coat, the less likely you are to have shedding as the poodle genes are more strong in curlier dogs. Do know that all doodles will shed quite a bit when they lose their puppy coat so don't worry if you have a shedder when they are transitioning coats, as this is a short lived phase.
How much does a puppy cost?Our puppies are $2500. We require a $500 deposit to reserve your puppy and then the remaining $2000 is due on pick up day or before depending on your payment method.
How does the puppy selection process work?Our puppies are chosen based on the order of deposits received. We take note of the preferences that you share in our application and have never failed to ensure that each family gets a puppy that meets their number one priority. We will post videos and photos on our social media accounts each week to help you get to know which puppies most interest you. At 5 weeks of age we do a facetime call with each family. During the call you can ask questions, get a closer look at the puppies and get our opinion on the best fit pup based on what you told us about your family. After our facetime call, you'll have 12 hours to let us know which puppy you chose. Once the 1st pick family has chosen their pup we'll repeat the facetime process until all puppies are chosen. We like to wait until 5 weeks of age for the puppy selection process as we find that their personalities are more obvious by then.

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